Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's all about the stamp

Alex and I went to apply for unabridged copies of our marriage certificate yesterday. We had been warned that it might take hours, especially if we didn't arrive really early in the morning. It might have taken longer if we were applying for an ID card, or visa or something. But fortunately we weren't, because we didn't arrive until about 10:45am.

We found a parking spot, and then made our way through the people selling ink pens. No matter what you come for, you will need to fill out paperwork. There are no general use pens there. We remembered that there was a pen in the vehicle folder (to document mileage) and used that one.

I told the information desk guy that we needed five copies of our marriage certificate. He seemed very surprised and asked a couple of times were we sure we wanted five. He told us they were R70 ($10) each, so we decided to only get three. He gave us the forms, but they had a lot of areas to fill out, which seemed odd. He had given us applications for copies of birth certificates. Said he heard me wrong. Later I realized he had quoted us the correct price for marriage certificates though, not birth certificates.

Africans are very good at sitting patiently for long periods of time. Even with squalling children. Breastfeeding seems to be the most popular form of feeding infants among black Africans. The lady in the seat next to us breastfed her child multiple times. I remember reading many articles over the past few years about how controversial public breastfeeding is in the states. The mother has her right to feed in public. The public has their right to not see her feeding her child. Black Africans don't seem to be hung up on this issue at all.

I like to people watch. Since we were waiting in line, well actually sitting in line, for over an hour (waiting to get the papers stamped), I had lots of time to observe. I know there are creatures, insects mostly I think, that have exoskeletons. Well, I found a man who has an exobrain. Fortunately he had his back to me, because then I could see his head better, and he couldn't see me looking at him. It was really cool. His head that is; he had furrows all over it. It really looked like one of those brain models. It was shaved of course, that's how I could see it so well. It was very cleanly shaved and had no nicks on it, that's talent. I hope he realizes how cool his head looks.

To top the day off, we met Elvis. Elvis may not have married us, but we had to pay him for the copies of our marriage certificate. He didn't have sideburns. And no fancy suit. But his name badge said his name was Elvis, and name badges don't lie.
So, that's all folks! For today anyway.

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