Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cinderelly, Cinderelly

'Night and day it's Cinderelly, the mopping, And the sweeping and the dusting'.
Ok, ok! It's nothing like what poor Cinderella had to do, but I am doing the mopping, sweeping, dusting, and toilet cleaning. But I must say, my boss, leader, manager, I don't know, what ever she's called is very, very wonderful to work for.

During the sail most of the hospital staff that aren't needed for planning things out for this outreach, are reassigned to other departments. I was reassigned to the Housekeeping dept. So far it's not been bad. I'm sure I will be thoroughly tired of sweeping, mopping, and wiping walls. I'm already tired of the toilets. They aren't even all that nasty, but just the thought of what happens in them and the fact that my face and hands are in such close proximity, turns my stomach. Blecht!!!

We are in teams of two, and we are assigned a different deck for a week at a time. This week Becca (one of my fellow Gatewayians) and I have been teamed up and were assigned to decks two and three. It sounded like a lots at first, but it's not the whole decks, just the forward parts. Most of deck three is the hospital, and most of deck two is the engine room. So we don't have to clean those areas.

It's kind of fun to clean, because I get to see instant results. I'm not very patient, so I like instant results. Sometimes people walk through the areas we are cleaning, but for the most part they very considerate and try to go a different route. I wouldn't want to have this job during outreach, as there are so many more people to get in the way and dirty things up. I kinda enjoy working in other departments, as long as I know it is only for a short time!, because then I get to see things from their perspective. I think it helps me to be a bit more considerate of others, and try to not make their job any worse.

Last sail I was assigned to the dining room team. It was quite fun, but the 5:30a starts just about killed me! Mentally anyway. My poor little noggin just doesn't know how to start functioning that early in the morning! I know I've worked nights for years, but it's a different story when noggin is waking up at that hour, than when it has been functioning all night. So it's nice to try an 8-5 position for a bit.

So, guess that's about it this time. Not many interesting or funny things happen when your just hanging out with a broom and a ya next time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon, I hope you got the toliets nice and free of germs! :) I understand ya'll have docked now. I pray a shield of protection about you, Alex and all the Mercy Ship staff/crew as you go about each day doing what you're there to do in the name of the Lord. I also pray most of who you all help will come to know Jesus as their Savior through the example of all of you. I love you! Take care and God bless.
